Quartus Prime Settings File /home/ -PATH TO MY DATA -/Testbench_OLS_FFT_Fading.qsf is unwritable.Įrror (140001): Can't write LogicLock assignments. # Fatal error in Process MEMORY at /home/nt-lab/Software/Altera/modelsim_ase/linuxaloem/./altera/vhdl/src/altera_mf/altera_mf.vhd line 40268Įrror (138003): Can't write incremental compilation assignments. To be honest a simulation tool is really complex to handle, so this tutorial will be most an introduction than exhaustive examples. This is what we're going to see in this ModelSim-Altera Starter Edition introduction. # Time: 0 ps Iteration: 0 Process: /testbench_ols_fft_fading/dut/HRTF_Manager/HRTF_A_L_real/altsyncram_component/MEMORY File: /home/nt-lab/Software/Altera/modelsim_ase/linuxaloem/./altera/vhdl/src/altera_mf/altera_mf.vhd After installing ModelSim-Altera Starter Edition, what's better than testing it. # ** Fatal: (vsim-7) Failed to open VHDL file "./memoryInit/HRTF_L_real_memory_init.mif" in r mode. I set up Modelsim Altera Edition with the native link feature - I wrote my own vhdl testbench and launch it via Tool > Run Simulation Tool > RTL Simulation, which worked fine until now. While Analysis & Synthesis works with the solution posted above, Simulation won't work - with nearly the same error as Analysis & Synthesis had before. It seems as if I only found half of the solution. It would be a real help if anyone knew a solution, since I'm not able to continue working without any data in the ROM. This is even more confusing, since there definitively IS an END in the. Now the error changes to:Įrror (113025): Missing syntax END in the Memory Initialization File "HRTF_L_real_memory_init.mif" Then I changed my MATLAB function to generate HEX address values and regenerated the ROM in Quartus and loaded the new. Initializes Memory with real part of HRTF If the file exists, it is not in correct format.Īs the file definetively exists, I think there is an error in the generated. memoryInit/HRTF_L_real_memory_init.mif for ROM instance ALTSYNCRAM.

When I try to run Analysis & Synthesis I get the errorĮrror (127000): Can't read Memory Initialization File or Hexadecimal (Intel-Format) File. I used this guide to create a MATLAB function, generating the. I'm doing this for the first time, so probably there is just a simple mistake in my file.